Ron Becijos
David Bowman
Sally Clark Ivan Dryer
Rory Earnshaw
Derek Fitzer
Andy Frazer
Darren Hardy
Robert Kerwin
Roger Krueger
Noah Lang
Jason Mullins
Michael Quinn
Greta & Manu Schnetzler
Marla Showfer
Patrick Stanbro
Gary Thompson
Daniel Zawadzki
The exhibition was juried by
Night Photography pioneer and educator Steve Harper, from
the San Francisco Bay Area, a photographer whom The Nocturnes
(as well as legions of other night photographers) owe a great
debt of gratitude.
First of all, an insightful, general curatorial comment from our Juror: "An
interesting and evocative show. It has always interested me as an educator
to give out a theme and see how many students take it literally and
how many take it figuratively. This show certainly keeps within the
ratios I have personally experienced."
This exhibit, coinciding with the Anniversary of John Coltrane's birth
(September 23), will explore the connections between the Jazz milieu
and the pursuit of improvisational (no pre-visualizing here!), free-form,
fluid nocturnal imagery. We've often thought of the "true nocturnists" as
being kind of like jazz musicians, rock musicians, or other 'club'
or night folk - we're all unsung artists, out looking for a 'form,'
no? So, the connection is there, and it’s yours to interpret
- an image that illustrates a song title, a portrait that harks back
to a vintage "Blue Note" album cover from an earlier period
of Jazz, or an abstract rendition of an album title. Your imagery could
be of performers or audiences, abstracts of wild neon night light flooding
the clubs where jazz is heard, or a landscape that sings a sad, soulful
refrain - all taken at night, in the "jazz hours." |
© Dana Lipp
© Carol Henry